Posturite’s Top Ten Tips for keeping productive at work in the winter

Large office space showing chairs around circular desks, with a winter scene outside

It’s a world-renowned fact that some people struggle to remain productive and motivated at work during the winter months. Whether it’s the weather, the darkness or just the sense of cabin fever that often goes along with winter, most people find that their productivity levels decline significantly. See below our top ten tips to help you and your workforce keep up the morale, motivation and energy levels in the office this year.

  1. Eat right. Avoid refined sugary foods and ensure that you drink plenty of water. Food can affect your mood and energy levels, so it’s important to provide your body with the fuel it needs to keep you go-ing. Whether you provide a fruit basket service once a week or just encourage staff to drink an extra glass of water each day, it’s important to promote healthy eating – especially during the months where ‘comfort’ food seems like the best option.
  2. Get active and rest up. Exercise is a widely accepted mood enhancer, it reduces stress, improves sleep and can boost endorphin production. Going for a brisk walk down the street on your lunch break in-stead of camping at your desk will not only increase your blood flow, making you more alert, it will also improve your mood. Even a brief ten minutes of sunshine can make a world of difference to your out-look on your work day. Sleep is an equally important factor – it is crucial to allow your body the rest it needs to rejuvenate and to give you energy for the next day at work.
  3. Turn up the heat. If your office is constantly chilly, chances are that your staff will be feeling sluggish and unproductive; they’ll be focussing on trying to get warm instead of on their work. It is important to ensure that your working environment is comfortable, so find a temperature that everyone is happy with and stick to it.
  4. Plan ahead. Setting small, reasonably achievable goals throughout the day will ensure a sense of ac-complishment after each task is completed. You’ll be able to see clearly what the next step in each of your projects is and how much time you’ll need for each step. Punctuating your day with new assign-ments or doing something that challenges you will allow you to use your initiative and stop the sluggish feeling from creeping on.
  5. Be flexible. Feeling like you’ve been chained to a desk all day will significantly affect your productivity levels and the productivity levels of your staff. If you find an alternative place to have that important meeting, you may find that you’re more inclined to make better decisions because you’ll be out of your usual space and able to view the situation from a new perspective. Try scheduling breaks and en-sure that you get away from your workstation for at least ten minutes every couple of hours. Larger tasks will feel more manageable and you’ll be able to think more clearly away from your screen.
  6. Keep an eye on the weather. If you know to expect frost overnight, or are able to plan ahead for rainy days, you’ll be more likely to get to work on time and start the day on a more positive note. Encourage staff to check the weather reports or send a weather update when you know there is a chance of ex-treme climates that may affect their commute or their breaks.
  7. Clean up. Working in a messy environment can leave you feeling disorganised and stressed. Take ten minutes out to file that paperwork that’s been sat on your desk for weeks or to clean out your inbox.
  8. You’ll have a clearer picture of what you have left to do and how to plan your next move, making you feel more in control and therefore more motivated.
  9. Keep germs at bay. Coughs and colds are far more common in the winter than in the summer. There is a greater importance to encourage good hygiene and provide hand sanitizer and soap to staff during winter. The more time you spend out of work due to illness, the further behind you’ll feel and the more stressful it will be when you eventually get back to your desk.
  10. Keep it friendly. Even for introverts, interacting with others can provide a boost in mood. If you find that you often eat lunch at your desk, try inviting a colleague out for lunch or rearrange your work-stations so that you can talk to or see your team. Happiness breeds productivity, so finding and acknowledging small things throughout your day that make you happy will encourage a sense of motivation.