Bad stock photos of working from home which get my goat

Mum working with baby

Excuse us while we guffaw. Stock photos can be cringey at the best of times, but stock shots of people working from home can take the biscuit.

And they can set a terrible example. It was the stock photo that the BBC is continually using to represent working from home which particularly irked the ergonomists at Posturite. Look below at how the person is hunched over their laptop, sat on a bed. All the posture alarm-bells are ringing!

Representation is important, and if all the news media are showing homeworking setups which are going to cause you horrible backache if pursued long-term, this is a problem.

Here are more bad working from home stock photos which raise my hackles:

1: The man working from home in a ridiculously luxurious villa

Smug doesn’t cover it. This executive tapping merrily away on his laptop beside his luxury pool is about as far away from most people’s experience of working from home as you can get. No draughty studio flat overlooking a dual carriageway for this guy. No upstairs neighbour with a passion for Drum ‘n’ Bass. Let’s hope his neck-ache-causing laptop doesn’t slip into the water at any moment…

2: The smart, smiling Mum balancing a baby on her knee whilst working

There’s a distinct lack of baby sick on this female executive’s shoulder here. And she’s not the least bit stressed that her sales figures are due in within the hour, or her neck aches each night, yet the baby is constantly yanking her glasses off, bashing the space bar and whiffing of mashed pumpkin (at best).

3: The happy couple, so in love whilst working from home together

Couple working from home

The ‘I’m-so-happy-sharing-my-working-space-with-my-hot-boyfriend’ photo is another twenty-first century classic.

Anyone else – in reality – ran back to the office at great speed after lockdowns, to get some space from their dressing-gown-clad partner, who really talks unacceptably loudly during those Zoom team meetings? Thought so.

4: The working from home millionaire

working from home millionaire

A slightly bizarre result here, for a ‘working from home’ image search. She’s so effective in her homeworking that the dollars are just flying from the ceiling. Lovely.

5: The man sat on the sofa, working from home on his coffee table

working from home on coffee table

Granted, this man’s mildly stressed expression is a little more realistic, but dude, get yourself a proper chair and desk.

Even prestigious The Economist is sharing images of working setups which strike fear into the heart of experts on ergonomics. Our friends at The Economist seemingly need some guidance on working from your bedroom.

Is remote working taking its toll on your posture?

I hazard a guess that you can find some even worse working from home stock photos. When you do, please tag Posturite on social media, we’d genuinely love to see them. #badstockphotos

It’s also true that when actually trying to find bad stock photos, they were elusive, and of course will raise their ugly heads next week when I actually don’t want them.

Don’t be like these unfortunate people in the photos – invest in some high-quality homeworking furniture to support your posture from Posturite. From ergonomic chairs to sit-stand desks, we stock everything you need to stay productive and comfortable.

Finally, I highly recommend these further collections of bad stock photos: