5 reasons to kick the year off with a workstation assessment

In the UK, half a million employees suffer from work-related musculoskeletal issues every year. Many people think aches and pains are simply a natural part of working at a computer all day. We're here to dispel this myth.

Home office desk, chair, monitor, monitor stand, keyboard, mouse and speakers

It's possible to significantly improve your comfort and reduce your risk of musculoskeletal issues simply by having suitable equipment set up appropriately for you. It's also important to take regular moving and stretching breaks - even if you usually feel comfortable at your workstation. If you're employed to work frequently with display screen equipment (DSE - including laptops, tablets and phones) then your employer has a legal duty to make sure the workstation you use complies with the DSE regulations. This can be done:

If you work for yourself then it's up to you to take care of your own workstation set up. You can still book a DSE assessment, even if you work from home. It's not just about ticking legal boxes. Having all your equipment set up properly will help you stay injury-free and productive. Not quite convinced? Here are five reasons why we think everyone should kick 2020 off with a workstation assessment:

1. We're too used to ignoring pain and discomfort

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) take time to develop, but people often ignore the early signs. Early prevention is critical for avoiding long-term issues. The moment you feel numbness, tingling, or any kind of discomfort in your body while working, this is your body's way of telling you that something about your set-up is wrong. Perhaps a piece of equipment is at the wrong angle, or slightly too high, causing you to lean your head forwards, or hunch your shoulders. An assessor will be able to identify these small but significant issues and show you how to improve your set-up.

2. It's easy to arrange

You'll experience a fast, smooth, trackable journey with our online DSE assessment booking system. All you have to do is:

  1. Choose your assessment
  2. Fill out the quick booking form and pay
  3. Receive one-click date confirmation email
  4. Receive appointment reminders before and on the day

We work with Microsoft to deliver a hassle-free booking service. You can find out more about how our system works by viewing the video below.

3. We can do it over the phone

Work from home or have limited time? We have a dedicated DSE team just a phone call away. They've devised an effective remote assessment service that suits home workers and those with limited time and smaller budgets.

Book your phone assessment here ›

Once you've chosen a phone assessment, we'll ask you to send us a series of photos of your workstation alongside certain measurements. Then we'll book in a thirty-minute phone call so we can ask you questions about some of your working habits and workstation arrangements. This will be followed up with a report highlighting any concerns and outlining recommended solutions.

4. The solution might be simple

A DSE assessor's job is to recommend set-up adjustments in line with the user and the user's working habits. They will offer practical advice and work where possible with the equipment that's already there. They may recommend specific equipment if they think it will help you but a DSE assessment is not a sales pitch and you're never obliged to make purchases. Sometimes a few simple changes can make a huge difference to your comfort.

5. It will boost your productivity and happiness

Pain and discomfort caused by poor posture or repetitive movements at a workstation can have a huge impact on your ability to concentrate and perform well at work. Every year work-related musculoskeletal disorders cost the UK economy millions in absenteeism and lost productivity. Booking a workstation assessment is a simple, cost-effective way to catch problems early.

You can book a DSE assessment here. If you'd rather carry out your own workstation checks, you can download our DSE Helpful Hints advice sheet here.